Consultations booked.
Agreements signed.
Invoices paid.

Book consultations online, generate, send and e-sign your fee agreement, and get paid using your existing LawPay account. ABA Members can get 50% off for three months when you sign up using the links below

No credit card required. Cancel any time.

Silky smooth onboarding in less than 5 minutes.

Cut your admin time when onboarding new clients and welcome your new clients with an amazing onboarding experience that can be set up in just a few minutes.

What does that look like?

Online booking sets your firm apart

Clients expect online self-service and given the choice between a firm they can book immediately and one they have to call to work out a time, most will choose the firm that lets them book online.

  • Charge for Your Consultations

    ClientRock is the only scheduling provider with native support for LawPay. Your clients can book consultations and pay using credit cards or e-check linked directly to your existing LawPay account.

  • Reduce no-shows with automatic reminders

    There's noting worse than showing up for a meeting and waiting, 5, 10, 15 minutes only for the client to ghost you. ClientRock gently reminds your clients with directions for their upcoming meeting and gives them a simple way to reschedule if things get in the way.

  • Book multi-member-meetings

    Want to let clients book meetings with multiple attendees? We can handle that no problem. We'll make sure it's booked to both of your calendars and based on your shared availability.

ClientRock is the easiest way to get paid for client consultations

Generate, send and sign fee agreements in seconds.

You don't need to assemble a document, copy it to your e-sign provider, and then chase down multiple clients to get things signed. Let ClientRock's automations build your fee agreement and get it signed with no headaches.

  • Auto-generate your fee agreement

    Don't spend time copy/pasting into Word or building PDFs to upload into an e-signature provider. ClientRock auto-generates your fee agreement so you can spend more time lawyering.

  • Smart Merge Fields

    Reference clients, addresses, company names and more through simple merge fields in your agreement.

  • Multiple signatures

    Handle multiple signers with ease. No one is charged and the engagement doesn't start until everyone's had a chance to sign. And we'll remind them for you if they don't get to it right away.

Draft your fee agreement in seconds.

Automated billing in a beautiful portal

Do you cringe every time you tell a client to copy their invoice number, go to this URL, paste that invoice number and then enter whatever dollar amount they feel like? Same here. Let ClientRock collect payment information up front and automatically charge your clients on whatever schedule you need. No more chasing clients to pay or jump through hoops to match your billing process. Now it's as easy as signing up for Netflix.

  • Offer convenient payment plans

    Give your clients the option to pay in installments without the overhead of managing their billing. ClienRock can handle whatever payment terms you can think of. Installments, subscriptions, auto-refilling retainers, you name it.

  • Automatic Payment Recovery

    Credit cards expire, insufficient funds happen. ClientRock automatically recovers failed payments through smart retries and automated outreach campaigns that get your clients current on their bills without you needing to lift a finger.

  • Stop repetitive inquiries

    Stop fielding call after call, email after email asking where a client stands with an invoice, when their next bill is due, etc. Your clients now have all of that information at their fingertips, no contact required.

ClientRock is the easiest way to get paid for client consultations

“Client Rock has cut my admin time by over 95%!
It replaced our overhead expenses for Acuity and DocuSign and has amazing automation that saves me valuable time doing tedious, repetitive tasks. Great product! Great support!”

Laura O'Bryan, Founder of MyVirtual.Lawyer
Laura O'Bryan
Partner, MyVirtual.Lawyer

ClientRock works with the tools you already use...

Ready to dive in?
Start your 7-day free trial today
and get 50% off for 3 months!

No credit card required. Cancel any time.

Frequently asked questions

Do I need to have a case management provider?

Nope. We sit on top of the most popular case management solutions and can create matters for you if you wish. But we also have firms that really only uses case management for client-facing activities like billing, file sharing and communication. They found that as they used their case management solution less and less that they were able to save hundreds per month by just using ClientRock.

Do you support retainer billing?

Yes, while we don't specifically manage your trust-accounting, ClientRock allows you to fill and re-fill your trust accounts with easy automated payment plans.

So can I get rid of Calendly, Acuity, Docusign, Dropbox, etc?

Insofar as you are using those solutions for client-facing activities, yes. We believe a client should only have to go to one place to interact with their lawyer and that tool fatigue leads to poor client experiences and lower referral rates.

Does the ClientRock Portal include ClientRock Scheduler, or is it a separate price?

Portal gets you everything, including the scheduler. You'll be able to replace Calendly, Acuity, etc and charge for consultations using LawPay without any additional cost.

I have other questions, how can I get them answered?

You can always reach us at

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